We care about your well-being, here’s our electronic communication policy.

All information produced and distributed by A Better Love Project, Inc. is informational and for educational purposes.

While the information you’re receiving is science-based and provided by experts in the field, it is educational in nature. It does not replace couples therapy or any other health service. We encourage those interested in couples therapy to reach out to providers in their community.

Interacting with creators at A Better Love Project, Inc. does not constitute the establishment of a professional relationship.

While you’re interacting with professionals, these conversations are not confidential or protected by provider-client privilege. Viewers are not clients and there is no established professional relationship between creators and viewers. Given the complexity of the work we discuss, we encourage those interested to seek professional consultation with providers in their community.

Your privacy is important, remember what you share online is accessible by the public.

If you’re experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact your local emergency services or dial 911 if in the U.S.

Conflict of Interest Statement: By virtue of our non-profit status, creators at A Better Love Project, Inc. are prohibited from accepting professional referrals for clinical work from any account managed by our project. In addition, we cannot provide referrals to the community but encourage our audience to use free referral services and their health insurance provider website to identify local clinicians.

Past Clients: Creators do not accept contact requests from former clients on any social networking site, doing so could compromise your right to confidentiality and privacy. If you’re a former client of a creator who follows A Better Love Project, you can expect that our creators will not follow back or engage with former clients on any platform.

Thank you.